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Will Juliette's personality change to match her Hexenbiest appearance? - Printable Version

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Will Juliette's personality change to match her Hexenbiest appearance? - Hexenadler - 02-15-2015

The Grimm wiki has this to say about Hexenbiests:

Quote:Seemingly concerned only about their own beauty and popularity, they have been known to do things, such as apply leeches to the face, to make their skin paler. They work at the command of royalty and are extremely loyal creatures, but only to whomever they serve, as to others they are treacherous and manipulative, even to their own kind.

When dealing with Hexenbiests, it is important to not get on their bad side, as they do not forgive and are capable of exacting their revenge in multiple ways that never end up well for their offender(s).

Could Juliette become increasingly vain and treacherous, much like Adalind? It would be a hell of an irony, considering how much Juliette despises Adalind. I'd hate to see Juliette basically turn into a sociopath.

On the other hand, the writers can try to take this idea further than merely turning Juliette "evil." What if Juliette's personality shift doesn't drive Nick away, but instead draws them closer together? Their intimacy in previous episodes allows them to be vulnerable with each other in ways that no one else sees, but Juliette's relationship with all the other characters (especially Monroe and Rosalee) grows more problematic, forcing Nick into making an unpleasant choice between Juliette and the rest of the cast of GRIMM.

RE: Will Juliette's personality change to match her Hexenbiest appearance? - syscrash - 02-15-2015

(02-15-2015, 05:51 PM)Hexenadler Wrote: The Grimm wiki has this to say about Hexenbiests:

Quote:Seemingly concerned only about their own beauty and popularity, they have been known to do things, such as apply leeches to the face, to make their skin paler. They work at the command of royalty and are extremely loyal creatures, but only to whomever they serve, as to others they are treacherous and manipulative, even to their own kind.

When dealing with Hexenbiests, it is important to not get on their bad side, as they do not forgive and are capable of exacting their revenge in multiple ways that never end up well for their offender(s).

Could Juliette become increasingly vain and treacherous, much like Adalind? It would be a hell of an irony, considering how much Juliette despises Adalind. I'd hate to see Juliette basically turn into a sociopath.

On the other hand, the writers can try to take this idea further than merely turning Juliette "evil." What if Juliette's personality shift doesn't drive Nick away, but instead draws them closer together? Their intimacy in previous episodes allows them to be vulnerable with each other in ways that no one else sees, but Juliette's relationship with all the other characters (especially Monroe and Rosalee) grows more problematic, forcing Nick into making an unpleasant choice between Juliette and the rest of the cast of GRIMM.
Rosalee will be very supportive of Juliette. You saw how she was with Trubel and also how she handle easing Juliette into seeing a woge. The irony now Juliette will be the one doing the show and tell. I do see Juliette risking exposure being a problem. All ready twice she has risk exposure. When she blow up the car that was a big one. But she moved the salt shaker by only thinking about it.

RE: Will Juliette's personality change to match her Hexenbiest appearance? - SpoiltOne - 02-15-2015


Quote:'Grimm' is shaping Juliette up to be the new big villain

Now that Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) is a Hexenbiest on "Grimm" she's gone bad, and she's going to keep getting badder for the foreseeable future.

Zap2it visited the set of "Grimm" on Feb. 6 when production was underway on Season 4's episode 16. In talking with the cast and creators, everyone involved with the series was excited about the dark direction Juliette is heading in -- especially Tulloch herself.

"As an actress, this has been really, really fun," she says. "And the fans are loving her being a Hexenbiest because she gets to have a power now. Before it was that she was sort of adding a lot being a veterinarian and being good at research and stuff, and knowing how to shoot a gun. She's actually a potent force. I think right now she doesn't want it and is really just scared about hurting Nick."

Showrunners David Greenwalt and Jim Kouf are coy about their plans for the character, never confirming that she'll go full-on villain but saying she could be the "Grand Bad." "We try not to make things easy," Greenwalt says. "We warned and warned and warned that there would be side effects if she did this thing, if she changed into Adalind and slept with Nick. There have been side effects."

The relationship between Juliette and Nick, played by Tulloch's real-life boyfriend David Giuntoli, isn't going to be getting any better. During a tour of the couple's house on set, Tulloch noted that the furniture had been significantly changed -- maybe a sign of a breakup or Juliette moving out in the future?

"That may be a signal of things to come," Giuntoli teases. "Happiness doesn't make good TV. Happiness for a time makes good TV, but you have to tear it apart. I don't know to what extent the writers are going to tear us apart this time. It could be permanent."

Though it would mean less time filming with Tulloch, Giuntoli is very much on board with the idea of Juliette becoming a villain. "I think it's a great idea," he says with an excited laugh, "What a cool plot twist -- if that indeed is what's going to happen. ... It's stuff of religion. They were together, and now it's like the devil and god. The good and evil representation. Boy, that would be cool. I know it's fun for Bitsie to play."

He's not the only one thrilled for the shift in the show. Bree Turner (Rosalee) says she finds it "incredibly Shakespearean" the way the show is turning the once happy, normal-ish couple into "mortal enemies," and Sasha Roiz (Renard) -- the only person who currently knows Juliette is a Hexenbiest -- already sees her dark powers "starting to spill perhaps into a little bit of character as well." Silas Weir Mitchell (Monroe) says he appreciates the humanity of the situation.

"Even though she's a witch or whatever, that stuff is real. Her personality is changing because she's done stuff that she feels is *beep* up and now she's got the hangover, and it's a deep shift. She's going rogue, and that happens in relationships. People do things for the other person, and then they're like, 'What was I doing?'" he says. "I think it's getting dark."

In Feb. 13's episode, Juliette, now an incredibly powerful Hexenbiest because she was made instead of born into her magic, finally faces off against Adalind (Claire Coffee), her long time enemy who originally set her on the path to turning into a witch. Tulloch describes the fight as being "messy" because Juliette doesn't quite know what to do with her powers.

For her part, Coffee sees Juliette as being "further toward the dark side" than her character. "She's usurping Adalind as the baddie, it seems like," she says.

Throughout the next few episodes, various characters will find out Juliette's Hexenbiest secret, with everyone finally being in the know by episode 17. Since that proves that Juliette turning back into a normal human won't be an easy fix, it begs the question: Will she eventually want to keep her powers?

"I think at first absolutely not," Tulloch teases. "She's scared, it's unpredictable, she doesn't know how powerful she is. She's afraid of inadvertently hurting somebody. She's not a mean person, and this is definitely unwanted. As to whether or not she eventually grows accustomed to it and embraces it, that's an answer that will come up later in the series."

"Grimm" airs Fridays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on NBC. Starting March 20, it will switch time slots to 8 p.m. through the rest of the season.

RE: Will Juliette's personality change to match her Hexenbiest appearance? - speakeasy - 02-16-2015

I feel that the blood test Henrietta did on Juliette's blood may indicate an inner conflict that becoming a Hexenbiest caused within her basic psychological makeup - baaaaad mojo, mon. I'm talking about a complete rejection of the Hexenbiest by her real self resulting in her psyche creating a second person entirely in order to exist - a schizophrenic other self. (So it would be absolutely necessary to her mental balance to expel the Hexenbiest in her somehow.) That's an idea that came to me because I experience Juliette as a Hexenbiest as a total anathema. Big Grin

So we could end up with a good Juliette and bad Juliette, what fun. Not. I don't see how she could have the attributes of the Hexenbiest and remain a good partner for Nick. And I want them to stay together, maybe Stefania could work some bee ritual to change her into a nice Mellifer or something. Big Grin

Bottom line: Judging from the fan's response to her being a Hexenbiest, it would seem that she won't be changing back anytime soon, if at all. I'm so sad at this turn of events, but no use fighting City Hall, so I'll just soldier on like the good Grimmster I am!

RE: Will Juliette's personality change to match her Hexenbiest appearance? - Hexenadler - 02-16-2015

(02-16-2015, 05:41 AM)speakeasy Wrote: I feel that the blood test Henrietta did on Juliette's blood may indicate an inner conflict that becoming a Hexenbiest caused within her basic psychological makeup - baaaaad mojo, mon. I'm talking about a complete rejection of the Hexenbiest by her real self resulting in her psyche creating a second person entirely in order to exist - a schizophrenic other self. (So it would be absolutely necessary to her mental balance to expel the Hexenbiest in her somehow.) That's an idea that came to me because I experience Juliette as a Hexenbiest as a total anathema.

I'd definitely prefer the idea of Juliette developing dissociative identity disorder than simply having her turn into another depressing hero-turned-villain cliche, à la Harvey Dent in THE DARK KNIGHT...mainly because I also want Nick and Juliette to overcome their differences and remain together. There's too much damn pessimism in TV shows these days.

RE: Will Juliette's personality change to match her Hexenbiest appearance? - Gretel Hanselsister - 02-16-2015

(02-15-2015, 10:46 PM)SpoiltOne Wrote: Link:

Quote:'Grimm' is shaping Juliette up to be the new big villain

Showrunners David Greenwalt and Jim Kouf are coy about their plans for the character, never confirming that she'll go full-on villain but saying she could be the "Grand Bad." "We try not to make things easy," Greenwalt says. "We warned and warned and warned that there would be side effects if she did this thing, if she changed into Adalind and slept with Nick. There have been side effects."
The relationship between Juliette and Nick, played by Tulloch's real-life boyfriend David Giuntoli, isn't going to be getting any better. During a tour of the couple's house on set, Tulloch noted that the furniture had been significantly changed -- maybe a sign of a breakup or Juliette moving out in the future?

Welcome to the forum @SpoiltOne and thanks for sharing!
For me as a fan, this is bad news though. I'm neither thrilled nor excited like obviously the cast seems to be Undecided. I didn't want Juliette to become a Hexenbiest, but a villain is much worse.

RE: Will Juliette's personality change to match her Hexenbiest appearance? - ANamelessWesen - 02-16-2015

I hope not, I want her to remain "human". What makes someone a monster, is not defined by how they appear, but how there personality is. If her personality becomes monstrous, then she basically becomes a true monster.

But I want Juliette to still maintain her original personality, to show that becoming a Hexenbiest does not maker her a bad person, like Adalind. Her maintaining her humanity, would also help her maintain her relationship with Nick.

In other words, keep Juliette......Juliette. Don't have her turn to the dark side.

RE: Will Juliette's personality change to match her Hexenbiest appearance? - syscrash - 02-16-2015

The house having new furniture after the fight you would expect new furniture. Where Juliettte becomes the bad guy is Juliette and Nick take sides on what ever it is that make Grimms and Hexenbiest enemies. Now that Juliettes secret is out. She will use her powers to resolve some cause. It will be her method that will put Nick and Juliette at odds. The show looks like they are setting Juliette up to excepting her destiny she now has a purpose. She is part of the bigger picture.

RE: Will Juliette's personality change to match her Hexenbiest appearance? - Sable677 - 02-16-2015

I'm not happy about this. I don't want Juliette as a villain. I love the group dynamic as is, and I want Nick and Juliette to stay together. I liked the Juliette character and what she brought to the group as she was. While I enjoyed her turning the tables on Adalind, I didn't want Juliette to change permanently.

RE: Will Juliette's personality change to match her Hexenbiest appearance? - ANamelessWesen - 02-16-2015

(02-16-2015, 04:36 PM)Sable677 Wrote: I didn't want Juliette to change permanently.

I don't mind her never able to go back as a normal human being, however I don't see why we can have that, while also allowing her to retain her "humanity". I think it is a mistake to pull an "Anakin to Vader" for Juliette. It also further supports the message that Hexienbeists are inherently bad and that Nick should never truly trust 100% a hexienbeist.