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S4E012 - Maréchaussée - Printable Version

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RE: S4E012 - Maréchaussée - syscrash - 02-07-2015

we know Nick and Juliette have a conversation where they are friendly with each other. So either After a dead manticore and Nick still does not know Juliette is a hexenbiest. or he is cool with it. The only thing I can think is she blows him off. But she has tried several times to tell him. It seems each time something happens. So I don't think she would dodge a direct question. But it seems Nick might be in denial. Because the alternative is Juliette is supernatural. At the end of the day it is Nicks fault. If he had not been a Grimm none of these things would have happened to Juliette.

RE: S4E012 - Maréchaussée - busyizzy - 02-07-2015

I found this episode to be so-so. I didn't hate it, but I wasn't enthused either. I think there were some obvious writing and plot mistakes made, and this disappoints me because there are plenty of places to go without adding problems where there are none needed just to ratchet up the tension.

1. Someone asked how the Wesen Council got Wilde's photo. That's easy...after cleaning up the scene, Nick/Hank/Wu took the photo with the iPad and sent it to the same email address Wilde used to confirm his kills. Think Reapers' heads in a box here. This had nothing to do with Juliette.
2. Unfortunately, I see a potential rift between Wesen friends and Nick now because of adherence to Council law. If Monrosalee and other Wesen (think Juliette) have to follow Council rules, this is a great argument for Nick to develop his human friends and resources...not just get more Wesen friends who are bound by the same laws. This is also a good argument for Juliette to rid herself of the "biest" by whatever means necessary. Nick needs human friends and alliances more than ever. I JUST KNEW the Council was going to be a problem in some way when Juliette woged the first time.
3. Juliette isn't really likeable right now. She's gone behind Nick's back, is lying by omission after really going after Nick for hiding things, isn't much of a girlfriend in MANY ways, and is getting this dark temper/attitude she didn't have before. The only Hexenbiest I've liked so far is Elizabeth. I don't see an on-going relationship working with Nick if Juliette remains as a Hexenbiest, but maybe that's where the writers want to go. Of course, with all the writing and plot mistakes (Juliette can control it, not control it, will take a slap from Henrietta, but won't take a speeder in a car), I'm at a loss right now. The show is heading back to mid-season 3 (Grimm gets lost like Lost), which was NOT a good place to be. I think most of us thought her story of "the Manticore missed me" was totally lame, and ANY boyfriend--even the most oblivious ones--would have been calling out their girlfriends way before now about all the BS come lately.
4. Someone mentioned the Wesen Council identifying Rosalee by her maiden name. I would think Rosalee would keep her maiden name for two reasons: 1) She has informally/unofficially taken her brother's place at the Spice Shop as a Resistance contact and 2) Monroe's full name is Edward/Eddie Monroe...."but it's just Monroe." I wouldn't think Rosalee would want Monroe as her last name since this is what Monroe goes by as his first.

I'd like to see a quick resolution to the silly stuff going on and more focus on the meat: the keys, Viktor/Adalind threatening Sean, the search for Kelly/Diana, and where Elizabeth falls in all this? As the ex-mistress of the King, a Royal's mother, and a very dangerous Hexenbiest, I'd really like to see her in the mix.

...and I wouldn't mind a scene where Sean goes all Zauberbiesty on Viktor's arse. Nick shouldn't be the only one who sends heads or pics back....but I wonder if Viktor's comment about "how the family treated you in the PAST but things are different now" argument isn't what Sean has been looking for....

RE: S4E012 - Maréchaussée - Gaultheria - 02-07-2015

It's time for Alicia to return the favour and have another talk with Juliette about body image.

RE: S4E012 - Maréchaussée - Dieverdog - 02-07-2015

I'm wondering why no one - namely Henrietta at this point - brings up the fact that consuming the blood of a Grimm will render a hexenbiest into a human - taking away it's powers like it did for Adalind when she bit Nick's lip in the fight in Season 1. I know they would probably explain it away somehow - like because Juliette became a hexenbiest through magic and wasn't born that way or something then it won't work the same way. But you would think it would at least get mentioned. Perhaps it will eventually by someone once more people find out, like Nick and Rosalee.

Thank you, thank you! You are the first one I've seen who has mentioned that they missed (so far) mentioning that Grimm blood could turn a hexenbeist into a human. I'm guessing they will get around it by explaining that it's different because Juliette was magically made into a hexenbiest and not born that way.

I also think that Nick looked skeptical but didn't say anything - on several occasions in this episode. He is wondering what is going on with Juliette but can't quite put his finger on it yet. I'm pretty sure he isn't guessing that she is a hexenbiest!

I do love how this show builds suspense and delivers reveals among the various characters. It is such fun to see the reactions!

RE: S4E012 - Maréchaussée - droid327 - 02-07-2015

This is another example, like the Luison episode, of a week where they chose to focus on the broad arcs and just have a throwaway "wesen of the week" B-plot. And, as a result, there's a lot that doesn't make sense - piled on top of the stuff that already didn't make sense about the broad arcs.

We're fully entrenched in another Stupid Juliette storyline. I really hope they don't drag out the "she wont tell Nick" angle any longer than they already have. Its hackneyed, and its completely nonsensical. And then, on top of that, they're turning Juliette into a total Mary Sue...I know they couldn't really find a spot for her in the Scooby Gang before, so apparently they just said "F it" and turned her instantly into a Dark Lord of the Sith.

The whole Sean and Viktor storyline is really hard to develop any feelings about when they wont tell us what any of their actual motivations are. What do the Royals want? Why is the Resistance resisting? Why doesn't Sean want to help his father? Why do they all want Diana so bad? And how do the Keys fit into all this? Ever since Eric died, they've just kinda asked us to accept everything as some vague, impressionistic James Bond-esque international intrigue story.

But the most head-scratchy plotline was the Wesen Council. Why are they pissing off Nick? He's a Grimm who's proven his loyalty isnt with the Royals. It seems like it should be way more important they keep on his good side than dispatch a few low-level Wesen offenders. And he's already killed professional assassins-for-hire, not just freelance bounty hunters, but Verrat and Mauvee Dentes and the horse-faced one I cant remember...seems like putting out a bounty on him is just going to make him mad...

(02-07-2015, 04:17 PM)busyizzy Wrote: 2) Monroe's full name is Edward/Eddie Monroe...."but it's just Monroe." I wouldn't think Rosalee would want Monroe as her last name since this is what Monroe goes by as his first.

No its not, that's apocryphal. Officially its ambiguous whether Monroe is his first or last name, and what his full name actually is. Heck, for all we know he just goes by a mononym...maybe when he became a "born again" Blutbad he changed his name to just Monroe.

RE: S4E012 - Maréchaussée - Lou - 02-07-2015

Ok, since i wrote my last entry I got some more ideas and some I guess are responses to what you guys wrote. By the way, kudos to you all. some very clear and thoughtful comments.

I think Nick does know something is up. He is not that dense. I think he knows that their relationship has taken some big hits since the Adalind thing. Things are on shaky ground and he doesn't want to rock the boat. Plus I think he is very sympathetic to Juliette and feels guilty about the whole Grimm thing. She has been nothing but supportive just about the whole time and he is grateful. So I think he just figures if she needs some space and time to work things out he is more than willing to accommodate her. I wouldn't be surprised if he talks to Monroe and/or Rosalie about it soon to get some advice.

Speaking of Rosalie, what was up with her snarky comments to Monroe. I'm referring to the "so soon" and "not surprised" stuff. In the past she was totally supportive on Nick and Monroe's relationship. is she feeling possessive or jealous or maybe she is wondering if Wesson should be friends with Grimms?

Oh, and what about the wounds that appered on Renard two weeks ago. Seems like that issue has gone to the back burner.

And we suspect the resistance has a mole. and now it looks like the council has some problems, too. Kind of a cool plot device. The heroes can't get help because they can't trust the established authorities. Renard (as always) can't be completely trusted either.

It is odd how the writers have completely ignored the Grimm blood anti hexienbiest issue. Are they just saving that for later. or are they hoping we forgot?
Juliette: (wails) but i'm a hexienbiest
Nick: of for goodness sake, bite me.

I think someone asked about how the council got the picture of the dead bounty hunter. BusyIzzie's suggestion is pretty perfect. This is how I think it must have gone. After Nick got home he called Hank and told him to come over with some shovels. called Wu and told him to come over with the iPad. Calls Renard and has him send out an APB for the guy. Wu takes the picture and sends it to the council. (Nick does like to make the dramatic statement), Hank and Nick go bury the body somewhere, and the police are unable to find the guy and eventually stop looking.

RE: S4E012 - Maréchaussée - syscrash - 02-07-2015

How the "he missed" excuse would work. " he grabbed me, he was trying to stick me with that tail thingy, I ducked and he missed"

RE: S4E012 - Maréchaussée - busyizzy - 02-07-2015

Perhaps it is somewhat apocryphal since it hasn't been used while filming, however, it was used during the casting calls and when the storyline was worked up and the show was announced. The character was identified as Eddie Monroe.

Whatever the reason it is not used on the show, it makes sense that it is his last name since Rosalee doesn't use it and his parents are only known on the show by their first names.

It would be a hoot to put a twist at end of Grimm to find out his name is Smith it Johnson or Wiener or something.

RE: S4E012 - Maréchaussée - Gaultheria - 02-07-2015

First name or last name?


First name AND last name.

RE: S4E012 - Maréchaussée - syscrash - 02-08-2015

Has anyone notice Juliette does not do the head roll the same way each time. Watch Adalind she has a signature move. Even Sean does it the same way each time. I wonder if Bitsie is trying to find a signature move. Our are the writer trying to indicate Juliette is learning.